Dec 31, 2022Liked by clarke ching

Hi Clarke, my lesson for this year: it's important to pursue what I'm actually good at, not what I would like to be good at but doesn't really fit my strengths.

Happy New Year!

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oooooh. That's made me think!

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That's great!

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by clarke ching

And, "It'll happen to you. A little preparation goes along way"

(on step father, and father in law's deaths this year).

Also, "You won't get it all done."

Finally, "Others matter".

Now to "Learn things next year" !

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My simple lesson for the year.

Making something is making progress.

If I do something like examine data, attending a meeting etc. and don't make something such as notes or diagrams then I'm not making good use of my time.

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Dec 31, 2022·edited Dec 31, 2022

Hi Clarke: The one thing I’ve realized but never articulated until this year is this: Lead or be led; either way… get out of the way.

Happy New Year!

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Oh, I like that Jim. It reminds me of this - https://world.hey.com/jason/staying-out-of-it-c6624e2d - from Jason Fried which, coincidentally, I read this morning.

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by clarke ching

Coincidence? The multi-verse may be speaking to us…🤔

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Happy New Year Clarke! Great thing to learn! There's a quote from a famous Rabbi (Rabbi Hillel) that I keep close at hand: "If I'm only for myself, who will be for me? If I'm not for myself, what am I? If not now, when?"

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"Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast." This is my new leadership mantra. I've found this to be a super helpful stance in working in a self-managed group of peer coaches.

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I love that! I learnt it about 5 years ago from a colleague who was in to sailing, and it was really helpful for me when I was encouraging people to slow down a bit, in order to go faster. Thanks for the reminder!

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I suffer unnecessarily, because I do not make changes and the appropriate time. Often what stops me implementing a change when it is needed is my pre-made plans and ideas. Eg I decide to put on my over trousers when I get to a track Junction instead of putting them on my legs are getting wet therefore I suffer through getting wet and cold.

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Hey Clarke - this is a great lesson. How do I contact you?

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Email me clarke@toc.guide Aryeh.

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