
Very interesting tension high describe!

I wouldn’t publish Rolling Rocks Downhill before I was not-embarrassed by it, even though my (then)publishers were happy to, and even though others enjoyed reading it. I’m glad I didn’t!

So I know what you mean.

In this case, with the video, my wife’s question made me realise that I was imposing a requirement that my customers don’t care about and I don’t care about!

Nice to hear from you Jeremy.

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My first reaction was: "they may not care, but *I* care."

There's a tension -- at least for me, and maybe you too -- between "good enough [quality] for your customer" and "good enough for you".

I think I need to think about this more deeply, but could I be happy shipping "product" that I wasn't happy with, even if my customer "doesn't care"...?


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